Saturday, February 20, 2010

Back in the States

I'm back in America and let me just say God is good....Ameena!

I went to my hair dresser the other day and through a very random and odd connection she knew someone selling a sewing machine. The same exact kind that the woman at Smile taught me on. I got a great deal and purchased it! I'm so excited, its dated back to 1918! I am so motivated I have so many ideas and I can't contain my excitement. I'll be able to make more quilts like the one above. I also have the possible opportunity to be in a Philly artshow so please keep your fingers crossed. I'll keep you updated on whats yet to come. God Bless

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Today we woke up at 6am because we had to load up the van and begin our journey to Kampala. Once we arrived we got some lunch and then hung out at the Matoke Guest house. I was so sleepy I went into the room and laid down. My face hit the sheets and I smelled laundry softner! I forgot how much I loved that smell. As soon as I smelled that I felt like I was at home and I was out. Mmmmmm can't wait for good laundry soap and softner. God bless who ever invented it, I miss it lol

A new Nyka

I went to visit my baby girl on Tuesday at Awindjo House. She looked like a new girl. I was so happy to see her and we played together all day. She has done for HIV testing but we are still waiting for the results and she is currently getting over a case of Malaria but she is so much healthier looking. We were laughing and playing and she was talking to me. I was a little bummed though because she has a new name. They said her mother told them her name was Amina and I said "no its Nyka" and they looked at my confused so we decided that her name was Nyka Amina and they went by the second name. I had to get used to calling her by that name but she responded to both so thats good. It was hard leaving her at the end of the day, I wanted to take her with me but I said my goodbyes and said a prayer that God will keep her protected and healthy. Wednesday was my last day at Smile and it was such a sad day saying goodbye to all the children but I got a happy surprise. Nyka came by for a visit. I had Paulo come over so he could see his sister and as he approached the area he thought he was in trouble and I said "Paulo its Nyka!!" He got the biggest smile on his face and he came running over to me and Nyka lifted her arms out to him and he picked her up from my lap. I was so happy that he got to see her, I know he misses her. He walks around holding other kids now because he misses her so much. My prayer is that they will continue to see each other throughout life even though they can't live together. Even though it was a sad day of goodbyes my heart was happy seeing the two of them reunite.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Not quite ready

In a few short days I will be saying goodbye to Tororo. Every day the children continue to tell me how much they will miss me and it makes me sad. Juma is a 12 year old boy that our team has grown very close with and he is so sad about us leaving, every day he reminds me that we are leaving and he doesn’t want us to go. He fears that things will not be the same without us and that bad things will happen to him so I kept telling him that he will be ok. A while ago I taught him what a pinky swear is, so I pinky swore him that I would see him again someday, if not on earth than in Heaven. I think that helped ease his mind a little when he realized that there will come a day that we will meet again. I wish I didn’t have to leave him behind but I told him that he is in my prayers to grow up to be a strong spiritual man and leader and I was joking saying that he might be the future president of Uganda some day and he got a big smile on his face. He needs to hear words of encouragement because it’s not something that he often gets.

I’m going to miss the crazy ways of the hotel that we live in. We come to get our complimentary breakfast every morning having to bring our own coffee and juice only to have our waiter ask to try it, along with the times we order something on the menu only to find out “it is finished” I will miss African greetings where they say “hello…how are you…well done” And I’m especially going to miss the girls on my team. I have spent so much time focusing on the fact that I’m going to miss the kids and woman at Smile but I have forgotten that I will have to say goodbye to my new family. The six of us girls have bonded so well and it is going to be bittersweet. We plan to meet up again but I’m so used to seeing their faces 24/7 literally so that will be a definite adjustment when I get back. Its so amazing at how well we all got along. Of course we weren’t perfect but we never had any major issues and I think that is a testament in itself. I feel like we truly displayed a sense of team work even from the first day upon arrival at Pearl River when we did a team building activity and we were told that we were the first group to actually complete the task given to us, we were shocked because it seemed so easy to us so I just wanted to say a thanks to God for allowing us all to be together and fit so well. It has been a lot of fun.

Today we went to Sipi Falls and thought we were going on a stroll to see some waterfalls and little did we know it involved hiking down a steep mountain but with the help of some local boys we made it and once we arrived at the bottom we all jumped in the water. It was so fun we were screaming and laughing and then screaming some more but I just wanted to post a few pictures so show how close we really are. I’m clinging to Jessica because I’m freezing and we’re all holding on to each other helping one another and I even had a freak out moment when Stephanie verbalized her thoughts on if leach’s were in the water and I went crazy but we all survived and made it out alive. I love these girls and this beautiful country of Uganda.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Baby Nyka

So today was definitely a heart wrenching day at Smile. Let me first start by saying that improvements are being made at Smile and it is going great. We have set up a tent specifically for babies so that they don’t have to sit and lay on the hard cement anymore. We keep them off to themselves and Evelyn (the long term missionary) has set up 6 babies on a special feeding program because they are the most vulnerable children. One child that I have always loved and grown close with is Nyka. She looks to be about maybe 6 months but she is 16 months old. During my entire time here I have never once seen Nyka smile and do you know we had her laughing today! I was so happy I was almost in tears. She is so weak, so when I say she was laughing it was more like a lot of smiles and she just wiggles her tongue a lot because she can’t talk. She was the cutest thing and I wish I had photos to share with you all, but I captured it on film so I’ll post them when I get back to the states. That had actually been a goal or a desire of mine; to see Nyka smile and not only did she do that but she SMILED! That right there will stay with me forever and it made this entire trip that much more meaningful. When we first got here she could barely lift her head up and now we have her laughing. I am getting choked up just thinking about it. Soooo that was the best part of the day and here comes the hardest part of the day…….

There is an orphanage near by called Awindjo House and the owner, Ken, has asked that Nyka come and stay with him so that we can get her back to health. We had to get permission from Nyka’s parents first. On Tuesday I was under the tent holding Nyka and Joyce (a worker at Smile) saw Nyka’s mother. She called her over because the mother was walking by as if she had no children at all, and she has 3. All of her children were under the tent with me so Joyce made her come in and visit with her them. We asked if she knew where her children slept at night and she said no. Her husband had beat her in the past and took her children away from her, so she gave up fighting for them and moved on, got another man and is not involved in their life. Nyka’s father moves around and he just drops the children at their grandmothers whenever he feels like it so they are always getting tossed around. Joyce asked her to come back today (Thursday) to talk to Pastor Ruth so we can get her some better care. By 11:00am her mother showed up and I learned that her name is Esther. While we waited for Pastor Ruth to come Esther went to the clinic because she is having health issues with her breasts. She may have cancer or some type of growth but it is definitely not healthy. Eventually Pastor Ruth showed up and Esther told her she had no say over her children so they went and got the father. I was eating lunch and was not aware that the father was here. After I finished eating I went to see Nyka and she turned ill. She had no more smiles, she was vomiting, and had diarrhea and she has a slight fever. My joy quickly turned to sadness and I was worried. Today was the first day Evelyn gave the children vitamins so I was afraid they affected Nyko in a bad way and it was true. We were focused on getting her hydrated again because she was losing so many fluids. As this was going on Pastor Ruth was having a meeting with Nyka’s parents. Within one hour they had consented to give away their child. Paulo (Nyka’s older brother/care taker about 6 years old) was sitting there and I asked him if the man coming out of the office was his papa and he rose up quickly, got the biggest smile on his face and shouted “PAPA!” But his father just kept walking and never once came over to greet his children as he left the property. That was the first heartbreaker. The second was when Esther grabbed her things and left, she did not say goodbye to anyone, and I later found out that she had gone home to get some clothing. She would be going to the hospital with Nyka and the parents at Awindjo House. I was happy that Nyka was getting the proper care she deserved and its what I have been praying for but as soon as she leaves the hospital she will be a child at Awindjo. I realized I would not be seeing her anymore and the thought of it made me sad, and then I was full of confused emotions. I was angry with her parents for deciding in ONE hour that they could give up their child. There was no remorse on their face and I was angry at them and I got so sad as if Nyka was my child and she was being taken away from me. It was hard but I held it together the best I could. I am so happy that she will be taken care of but I don’t think Paulo or the other sister Heepa Anilla understood what was going on. After some time passed Esther had returned with clothing. She began dressing Nyka and I couldn’t believe the outfit she had brought to put her in. It was the skirt that I made for Nyka and gave to her at Christmas. I had never seen it again after that day and when she put it on her I said to Esther “I made that skirt” and she looked at me and said “I know” It was the craziest moment ever because I don’t know how she knew but the way she said it made me know she knew. It was in that moment that I was less angry with the mother. I realized that she has already grieved the loss of her children once, and now she is giving them up again but this time it is for the good and she went and got her best clothing to send her child off. I can’t express the emotion I felt and I was shedding some tears but it was honestly one of the hardest things I have ever watched, witnessed and felt. I have had my heartbreaking moments in life but I would never wish to have to go through something like giving up a child once, let alone for a second time. I can’t imagine how that feels and I thank God that Esther was willing to do it because I know it wasn’t easy. As she left she climbed into the car and Heepa Anilla cried after her. I went and got her and just held her because not only had her mother left her; she lost a sibling today. Paulo had run off to get water and I don’t think he even realized what had just happened. They will forever be in my prayers and I pray that they get to see their sister again because they love her unconditionally. The three of them were inseparable and Paulo took care of Nyka’s every need. Rarely ever did he get to play with children his own age. I pray that from here on out things begin to get better for Paulo and Heepa Anilla because they have been through enough heartache and I also pray that the right decision was made to sent Nyka to Awindjo House. Pleas keep these children in your prayers and that Nyka restores to full health. I know this was a sad blog to read today but I hope that it has touched you in a way that helps you to remember the forgotten children. In this culture, children are at the bottom of the list and this trip has opened my heart far greater than ever before for the forgotten children. Thank you for your prayers and support. God Bless

Oh! I forgot one bit of good news. We had not seen Moses so instead of waiting for him to come we went and found him and his mother. She has agreed to let us take him to the hospital. He looks to be about 6 months but she has informed us that he is 3 ½ years old. I couldn’t believe it when I heard it, but he has TB which had kept him from growing but we were so happy to have him back!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Baby Moses

Today was my first day back at Smile since I had been away. There were a few more volunteers here to help us, so that was exciting and there have been some improvements as far as where we keep the babies now and they have a peaceful place to sleep. I did however find out some sad news. Baby Moses is a child that we take care of and he is sick with TB so he struggles to walk and most times he sits and cries during the day. We have been making some improvements with getting him to smile and enjoy himself but today I found out that his older brother John ( who is about 7 years old) has turned to living on the streets again, therefore Baby Moses doesn't make it to Smile. John tried to leave him at Smile the other day but the workers found him and told him to take Moses home. Since then Moses has not been back. I just want to ask you all to pray for John that he will return to the Smile. He is only 7 years old and is living on the streets to get by, stealing and doing whatever necessary, and I also want to ask that you pray for Moses because we do not know where he is and his mother does not take care of him. It saddens me to know that a mother can see her child and not want to take care of him so please pray for the mothers heart too that she will be open to caring for her children. Thank you for your prayers and I will bring any updates as soon as I get them. God bless!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Trousers Here I Come!

We are headed to Jinja on Monday and I get to wear TROUSERS! I can't wait. For those of you who know me know that I am into fashion and I love variety so this has been a humbling experience to limit myself to 7 outfits for 3 months but I must say I'm doing pretty good at it but I can't wait to break out into TROUSERS! "I'm so excited...I just can't hide it....I don't wanna loose control but I think I like it......" But really I must say I am blessed, I have 7 outfits and the children at Smile only come with what they have so I know some days I get tired of my 7 dresses but I am blessed. When we leave I am donating my dresses to the woman here I can't wait because I know they will be so excited. Ok well I need to run along but just to keep everyone updated I will be away in Jinja for a conference, white water rafting and a safari...and yes I said white water rafting on the NILE RIVER! I actually didn't want to go I was scared I wouldn't make it out alive but I have been talked into going so pray that I survive it. Also pray for those in my boat because anyone riding with me should be prepared for a Courtney adventure. I'll return with great memories and details will be coming your way. God Bless and Happy New Year!